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Accredited Running Coach | Certified Wellness Coach
How I Began and Where I’m Headed

Hi, I'm Jenna, I'm a running enthusiast, mum of 2 little boys and lover of books. 


I have always been a curious person, throwing myself in to learning opportunities and helping to develop my knowledge base.  This passion carried me through my Bachelor of Science and on to further education in Wellness Coaching and Run Coaching. I enjoy helping helping others and love getting involved in my small town community in Birregurra, Victoria. 


Many would think that I've always been a runner..  From cross country as a kid to professional level running... but, alas, I'm just a recreational runner like you. I actually preferred sprinting as a child and didn't get in to long distance running until I was in my 20's. My passion for running, however, well that's the real story isn't it.


I began running as a way to cross-train as a cyclist and fell in love with the sport. I quickly went from doing 3km short runs to training for my first 10km event and then on to Half Marathon distance. Running has been a consistent aspect of my life ever since. 


In 2018, my husband and I welcomed our first son in to the world and, in an instant, my life changed, as I’m sure many parents can relate. Throw COVID-19 in to the mix in 2020 and I felt as though I had lost a sense of myself. Who am I? What do I want for myself?

I love being a mother, but the first 18 months postpartum were difficult for me to adjust to. I threw myself in to caring for another person and somewhere along the way I forgot about my own care. I was left feeling foggy and lethargic and didn't really know what I wanted. 

This is when I stumbled across Wellness Coaching. Through my own wellness journey, I learned to be more mindful and enjoy the small moments in life, I incorporated more exercise in to my routine, I uncovered my values and played upon my strengths to prioritise my self-care activities. This, essentially, gave me more confidence and energy by changing my outlook on my wellbeing. It helped me understand that mindset is a large influence on running capacity. 


Although I had been running recreationally for over a decade, becoming a mother made this aspect of my health even more important to me. Running keeps both my mind and body healthy, but it now also provides an opportunity to role model to my children that exercise is a normal, and enjoyable, part of life. I love running with my kids in the pram and balancing this out with solo runs and Run Club. I want other parents, not just mums but dads too, all over Australia to realise their potential for running; children don't prevent you from achieving your goals!


Coaching has given me purpose outside of being a mum and it is my mission to help YOU navigate through a new life stage, rediscover your energy, feel empowered and live a life kicking goals. Getting back on track can be a juggle, and I'm here to help with the integration in to routine and time management obstacles often faced by busy lifestyles. 



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